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My Friend?

Wolfs are nice, but to their vice they must always be true, They never leave without them What is their vice ? do you know ? Could something be askew It's hunger in their tummy, that makes you seem so yummy When your walking through the snow. They stare they watch and check you out like monkies in the zoo So you decide if they are nice, even if they have this vice. For if you are todays friends, consider this new view. Tomorrow they may make you lunch, Like an order at the drive through.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 12/28/2008 11:01:00 AM
Alyssa - Welcome to Poetry Soup! Wishing you a Happy and Joyous New Year! Peace always, John
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Date: 12/4/2008 9:37:00 PM
loved it
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