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My Friend

You are my Father and my Teacher, My Redeemer and my Friend. You are my Brother and my Healer, My Savior to beyond life's end. When I talk to you, You listen, You are my audience of one. You are the Author and Finisher, Who else do I ever need but You, You planted me as a special seed, You nurtured me and I grew. The world I live in, where I exist, Is full of turns with many a twist. But the road I walk is narrow and straight, It is stumble free, right up to Heavens Gate. I wait on you my Father, my obedience you seek, I know that You uplift me in times when I am weak. I love You Father as I can do no other. Thank You for sending Jesus, My savior and my brother. © Dave Timperley, February 2020

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 2/13/2020 10:06:00 AM
Excellent poem ! I enjoyed this very much today :)
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Dave Timperley
Date: 2/15/2020 11:39:00 AM
Thanks for your comments Heidi. God Bless. D.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things