My Father's House
A song:
My Father's House
Copyright Corinne Curcio February 16, 2009
My father's house
His the only voice heard
We all were quiet
So he wouldn't be disturbed
When I was young
And under his roof
All his words were
Absolute Truth
Daddy said "This is the way things are done"
Daddy said "Only men are strong"
Daddy said "Just listen to me
I will teach you right from wrong"
At thirteen
I wouldn't conform
I turned a deaf ear
To his emotional storms
Daddy yelled "No - Loud Rock and Roll
Daddy yelled "No - my daughter's not *****"
Daddy said "No - liberal ideas"
"I won't have that around here"
When I grew up
And left his home
It was then I made
A life of my own
Alzheimers turned him
Meek as a child
He finally became
Sweet and mild
And I said "Yes - I'll bring you to the doctor"
And I said "Yes - they'll take care of you here"
And I said "Yes - everything's all right
From now on you have nothing to fear
Copyright © Corinne Curcio | Year Posted 2009
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