My Fathers Bedside Goodbye
His Legacy 6/24/2022
Standing on lifes fragile ledge,
I gaze
into your brown orbs.
Windows into a house built
By your large hands
Hands That I would now inherit.
Deep and cavernous..
oh the stories they tell.
Rooms filled with comings and going’s..
The good, and the bad..
The all encompassing Rolodex of filed away emotions.
Like a campfire burnt through the night, that turns to coals..
that light now
And yet, the shadows we cast into this life wildly dancing
whilst your fire burnt hot,
Are seared forever into folds of gray..
Painted on a canvas
Leathery past.
Your skilled artists stroke of the brush, breathing life into this color blind grey world we inhabit.
Lifetimes of adventuring..
Built upon solid foundations.
Laughter at the ready, like that of bows
And arrows Release..taking
through the air, embedded into its mark.
Like a Cupid of life’s happenings.
Touching and seeing.
We have together, lived..
We have Loved,
We have Laughed.
Oh, how we have laughed.
We have ALL laughed.
I have heard a story, but laughter..
Your laughter..
Reaches higher than any other.
Your love language was laughter.
My life is framed,
picture worthy,
eloquently streaked with shades of infectious laughter.
We have grown older together..
Lines in the sand washed by time
Becoming that of more permanent folds in
But I am at ease..
In troubled breaths release you slide deeper into a forever only you will truly know
until we see one another again.
Thank you for the labor of love..
The lifetime of laughters edge.
The support given to artists poundings..
Tickling of the keys,
Treading the boards of a theatre,
Lines drawn to paper.
you share life seen through a shifted lens.
Thank you for sharing spectacled views.
Spectacular views.
Fatherly views.
I love you, Dad..
And Forever.
Copyright © Zach Gossett | Year Posted 2024
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