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My Dearest Daughter

I want you to know my dear daughter I thought of you every day The thought you say your daughter hates me The question asked is how can a baby hate The answer is, a baby learns what it is taught I never raised you to hate in any way To disrespect or live such a troubled way You've hurt me like no other has In such a way it no longer bothers me Although I think of you more then you'll know I no longer care if I see you again You were my dearest, my one and only And the day I gave birth to you Gave me bragging rights in all that you do I showed I was proud, you didn't understand Much time has gone by I hardly think of you any more The day will come, you will need me again That day will be, when it's much too late I won't be the one who will be so hurt You will find that you waited much to late My time will have ended on this dear earth I will be gone, spending my time in Heaven I will watch over my dear granddaughter I will guide, guard and protect her From the evil that you teach her That my dear daughter is a promise I will take care of her, from above I will teach her how to love, honor and respect Things I did teach you, you weren't paying attention I want you to know my dearest daughter I loved you before you were born And I loved you 'till my dying day I now love you from above But now you're on your own without my love Just remember this my dear daughter You took the love I had to give my granddaughter From her life, she'll never know You cheated her, from a part of life She will find out, and pay you back When that happens, remember this It's the same, you did to me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 3/10/2016 1:11:00 PM
Letitia, Enjoyed the way you expressed every line. Please keep writing, hope to see a new one from you again. LOVE LINDA
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