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My Daily Prayer

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DAILY PRAYER Before I close my eyes tonight I thank you, Lord, for my second sight You gave me a life, that I couldn't live Now I create another one, as I forgive I thank you, Lord, for the lessons and strife They made me stronger, gave me courage to fight I once screamed in silence, but I scream no more I'm back and I created a whole new world Goodnight, my Lord, hold me in your loving grace As I train my brain for the world I will face I've written the poems that you command And shared your words all over this land Now I give others something more to think And when they feel low, they'll have a link To me and to you, we'll change their course Removing the pain from their soul, and all the remorse Love and hugs Giggles the Poet April 17, 2018 8:20 p.m. WALK WITH LOVE AND LIGHT MAKE YOUR MIND YOUR *****

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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