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My crown of Sorrow

Life seems to manifest itself more of me into a frown Surrounded by the foreign and the indifferent My heart pumps but for what? I feel like my soul is stuck in an endless strut. I feel alone and trapped Sorrowful and crap My thoughts and pain don't matter to those around me I'm just another person in their life Another sinister stricken with strife I'm just bitter and unhappy with life But nobody cares why Maybe one day I will be free from the hell I've found myself in Maybe one day it will all make sense This hellbound turtle shell I'm slowly crawling around in, Waiting for the oceans current to sweep me up so I can drift away Lead me to better shores and more memorable days Feel the sun dawn and set on my face But today I'm just a pale malformed image of the end time frays Such is my darkened fate

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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