My Computer Might Daydream About
My Computer Might Daydream About…
My computer may daydream about,
The Twilight films and the meaning of The Matrix,
The thought behind Star Trek and the point of Star Wars,
Which I repeatedly watch on its DVD Player,
And it may classify humankind for a lack of consideration,
For the intelligent slow typer who’s possibly disabled:
For his or her own personal shortcuts run.
I don't like typing a space after my shortcut abbreviations,
To indicate that the computer should expand my abbreviation:
I like typing just ‘tc’ to get ‘the ‘, (the with a space),
Not ‘tc ‘, tc and then a space, to get the same, the with a space;
As if I would not like to sacrifice the term ‘tc'
For a quicker way of typing ‘the ’, the with a space:
Why the fiip should I type a space every time?
I obviously would demand to turn the shortcuts feature off,
Just in case with eccentricity I chose all of a sudden,
To type ‘tc’ in an email, document or web entry field,
With or without a space, either way it would be fine,
To facilitate that desire of mine.
It’s so much faster, far superior and quite ingratiating,
To cut out the space and just combine unused English characters,
Which never sit beside one another in language for readability:
I’ve used shortcuts like this since I was 10, and got a degree,
But it does not occur to any software developer as sense and sensibility.
I had 632 shortcuts without the spacebar like that on my old iBook,
On the TextExpander 2.8.1 app which was my chalice,
But naively asked their support staff if the app worked with Keystrokes 4,
Word predictions software which speeds and assures,
Who never replied to me, I suspect because they've never heard of,
Anyone using they’re business emailing app,
For shortcuts without the monotonous spacebar expansion key;
TextExpander is used to expand repeated business paragraphs from a thoughtful abbreviation.
My computer may also wonder about the engineer of my footswitch,
The device I use to type with, mind over matter,
Who mentioned to me something when he built it,
About the return key possibly not working at all times for all things:
So sometimes I have to stretch and use the keyboard:
What kind of nutter was he!?
It may also dream about my beliefs and views,
As it knows all my poetry so far with no blinkers;
Nothing is held back from my disk space,
Which sits as area so welcoming, so aware of me,
Letting me be secretive, true and very, very free.
Copyright © Dominique Webb | Year Posted 2015
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