My best friend
Weather changing - getting warm,
Nows the chance to leave the home,
And spend more time more time with Dora,
My French bull dog the ultimate Explorer,
She gets excited when I pick up the lead,
Then flips into madness it must be her breed,
From 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds,
Using her butt and head like lethal weapons,
Ramming the door and knocking over a vars,
No care in the world and no disregards,
After this madness we need a short rest,
What is her problem is she possessed,
Then out in the open blue skies up above,
This is her domain it's all the smells that she loves,
She then becomes stubborn and wants her own way,
Ignoring all I tell her sit down and just stay,
But I have a pocket it's filled with pure joy,
Treats are my answer it's my only ploy,
I know it's no Winner she's brainier than me,
If dogs went to Uni she'd have a degree,
A masters in human intelligence,
If there was such a thing,
I have her on a long lead ,
But I'm a puppet on a string.
Copyright © Erich Von der geest | Year Posted 2024
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