My Beloved Country Pakistan
Pakistan is my beloved homeland country.
And i am too much honest,sincere, loyalists & trustworthy to my own country Pakistan.
I will devote the chain of my limitless love, affection & my all best skills to my beloved country Pakistan to give it outstanding progress.
If my beloved country Pakistan,if it is possible for me.
I will give you full protection from all kinds of danger and your enemies.
I will keep save you from autumn,
And there will always a happy season of spring through out the Pakistan for whole lifetime.inshAllah.
I am too much patriotic so i have shown too much patriotism to my beloved country Pakistan.
I will sacrifice my life to protect you,
I don't want to be more than that.
I will not sacrifice only my life to save you.I will sacrifice thousand lives to save my beloved country Pakistan.
Pakistan is my beloved homeland country.
And i am too much honest,sincere, loyalists & trustworthy to my own country Pakistan.
I will devote the chain of my limitless love, affection & my all best skills to my beloved country Pakistan to give it outstanding progress.
By Aliza Kashmala Kiran.
Copyright © Aliza Kashmala Kiran | Year Posted 2022
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