My Belief
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Abracadabra Rhyme
Created by William Kekaula.The syllable count is your choice but must be the same for all eleven lines. abRacadabRa is the rhyme scheme, and the lines with the R's are reversed lines. All lines must rhyme with the exception of lines 'c' and 'd'.

My time upon this mortal plane is brief
for death is a consequence of living.
When the time's right, I'll step into the light
for I've known happiness, and I've known grief;
more importantly, I've loved and was loved.
I've watched nations fuel wars in disbelief;
as kids go hungry all over the world.
I don't fear death, it offers some relief,
guiding souls to a place more forgiving.
I'll step into the light when the time's right
and rise to heaven; that is my belief.
Copyright © Emile Pinet | Year Posted 2024
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