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My Bad

You failed to take your Drone Control Command Kit as you hurried off at dawn for work this early morn. Unmindful, I mistook it for a fancy Xbox game contraption, so commenced a match of Shock and Awe to while away the time and with the joystick, hot and pulsing, quickly opened fire at some evil bad-guy villains lurking down below (nearby, a bus with random kids confused, in fear and hiding). Left quite a bit of childish crimson carnage flowing on congested streets inside a city storming somewhere… thank goodness, very far away from here. Please forgive me, for I think it was your very last remaining smart-precision missile… yes, that pretty one you’d kept so long, and meant to use some day to sanctify a humble wedding-day reception… but as you know I've always had a hang for children's senseless macho playthings.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 7/30/2019 12:50:00 PM
Clear message so beautiful.. Your craft and wisdom are amazing. Thank you for this wonderful piece
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Date: 12/31/2018 2:16:00 PM
Amazing writing Terry, you must come back and grace us with your talent, get used to fewer views though... things have changed drastically around here, but there are still many of us die hard fans that refuse to surrender to mediocrity, and hope for more golden nuggets from you!
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Date: 10/26/2018 10:51:00 AM
I can only echo Gregory R's comments: Layer upon layer to be interpreted. Nice one. ~ Gershon Wolf
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Date: 10/25/2018 9:06:00 PM
Brilliant stuff, Terry, and enjoyed thoroughly, with your "trademark", (if I may say so), layers of ambiguity and interpretive depth. I just joined here December 2016, (when I started writing poetry), and you were basically gone from that point, so seeing a "new" one from you thrilled me, and I hope you'll continue to post here, as your work is wonderfully inspiring for hacks like me. Blessings to you - I pray your life is blessing-filled and joyous!
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry