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Mush-Bush Imbroglio

Mush and Bush are bosom friends Former borrows, latter lends Bush-Mush, Mush-Bush The alliance, awkward and abstruse - To everyone The pair both confuse and amuse The former stalwart, latter a dwarf Former tickles, latter laughs Bushy with Mushy flirts and blurts: “I dump my dollar in dictator’s dustbin He is military ruler, my king-pin For him I’m ready to commit any sin you understand what I mean. “Mushy, use my dollar for proxy war in J & K And with it you can in power stay Mushy, I love you, I love you My dictator friends are but few Mugabe is not a guy like you A paranoid in my view See how often against me poison he spew My exchequer is for you to plunder And commit blunder after blunder Please keep AL Qaeda under check For that take from me blank check Capture that vagabond waif Osama And in return take from me whole Oklahama Seven eleven is burning blob on my skin Mushy, you understand what I mean. Mushy mumbles and himself humbles: Bushy, I love you, I love you I have faithful friends but few Our friendship is most uncanny I assure you honey Your exchequer is my pocket money As a kid, my father never gave me so much money As you’ve given me, my honey Bushy I love you. I love you I have no lucrative friend save you You are my best friend in my view Our friendship will go down in history As an unsolved mystery.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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