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Muse Practice

Music practice, when I was a wounded child, felt too redundantly mundane, yet never merely quite ordinary, especially within a band or chorus learning environment For restoring spiritual mental natural health, compassionately co-invested. Later, as an adult wounded child, I repeated this same redundantly mundane Business As Not Quite Usual multicultural community mediation practice reassuring ritual Especially within a sacred indigenous nonviolent nature/spirit communication health optimizing Win/Win integral remuneration expanding EarthJustice progress processes not win/lose patriarchal culture please get it off my chest still struggling with capitalist questions How do multi-mediating clients harmonically co-invest? Musicians musing EarthHealth remediations feel free to sing out loud our EarthMuse restoring inclinations recycling dipolar co-arising precipitations by winning outside GoldenRules for cooperative muse music camp vacation ecotherapeutic anticipations Left credible theoretical And Right awesomely experiential Together transubstantiating integrity's potential synchronizing principles of indigenous reverse spirited nature bi-harmonizing Natural music's symphony enspiriting muse epiphany extending back and forth in and out down and up Left EarthPowers and Right SkyLights healing non-pathology Dancing RingSinging nondualistic co-winging Thoughts of Muses feeling moving EarthSystemic Music.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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