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Multiculturing Gifts

I wonder wander through sacred history, in and out again Back remotely far before humanity, When EarthTribes were already compassionately gifted with potential whole-sum divinity, PanenTheistically expressed today in ecofeminist Earth's great rapturously gifted economic ecology of relationships worth having truth of resonating beauty. I wonder, back before religious anthrocultures and sexual regenerating climates were sensory nonlinguistically yet meaningfully alive, then, later, lately LeftBrain purposely separated into Either Or where previously RightBrain reigned Both-And Communicating severances in a precisely dissociative way away from sacred companionship, As were sensuality and healthy polycultures of democratically inclusive communion Long long before Earth's non-violent verbalized communication. I wonder if, before Verbal Dominance when religion felt like communal reconnection, Unconditionally regarding all warm-bodied creatures here below awoke riding on sacred Earth below these timeless flowing clouds accumulating land and seas of rich communication enveloped in resonant musically musing companionship. I wonder if all EarthTribe asked, invited absorbed within among each Other, was nonviolent hospitality in healthy democratic return of wealthy multiculturally religious transcendently sensual politically empowering communications of economically enlightened theo/eco-logical co-arising warm companions celebrating co-empathic climate gifts.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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