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Muldune the Forest Chanter

Forest chanting is daily heard, Our wild woman spreads her word. Some may be startled by her tune. Creatures call her their great Muldune. Forest knows she is not absurd. Muldune raised in wondrous forest way, Lavishes goodness joy throughout her day. The snake and mice to her do swoon. Chubby bunnies honor her with their play. Even if the day starts out dour or gray, She can turn woods into something gay. She brings optimism onward, Muldune, so dainty, just like a bird. Her drumming speaks with each sashay. She starts fresh at the break of each and every day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 9/1/2020 3:52:00 PM
Greetings, Caren. Muldune poem is clever with her name standing out among the 'ay' rhyme scheme. Tune and swoon somehow sound foresty, trees movement music. I notice the title spells Muldune's name a bit differently. This may well have been Muldune 's friend, as I'm not familiar with the myth where your beautiful premis came from. I am pleased when comments let me know when I have made spelling mishaps, which is regular for me! You indicate you welcome mistakes noted in comments. Hugs
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 9/2/2020 7:01:00 PM
I do for sure. I thought I made up her name because I did. Thanks for seeing that in the title. I appreciate it.

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