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Mother's Day 2023

A belated happy Mother's day Apologies for a day's delay And since there's no known cure for celebration I know you are still under the effects of the occasion For a mother is a mother on mother's day And any other day that is anyone's birthday Which ranges from any day and totals to everyday And since a day can't host everyday, we appreciate day to day May the children be blessed that ye may be proud To make empires out of inheritance and nations out of a crowd To reign, find favour and be unbowed To bequeath and to be endowed Long live the long living of motherhood From whence the count of life begins for every brood They have filled the earth till it has become the land of the living All manner of people in their knowing, proving, doubting and believing And to the one that set apart the second Sunday of May Who obviously must have been a man I must say Blessed be his mother too And blessed be our mothers too. K. Muitherero

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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