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Mother Snap

As I pivot to confront my offspring, I anticipate the sight of terror etched in their innocent eyes, a reflected horror that would mirror the abyssal darkness that has long resided within me. Instead, I am greeted by vacant gazes and uncanny grins, a chilling, mimicry of innocence that belies the sinister, nascent awareness that has begun to stir within them. "What transpired with father, mother?" they inquire, their voices a childlike harmony that sends shivers coursing through my very being. In a somnambulist's stride, I approach them, the blade in my hand dancing a slow, hypnotic sway, left and right, a mesmerizing, deadly rhythm that seems to orchestrate the very fate of our little, dysfunctional family. "We are embarking on a vacation, my cherubs," I utter, my countenance a mask of maternal, pastoral calm, a deceitful, saccharine smile that hides the abyssal, matriarchal malevolence that now drives me. "Bobby, retreat to your room and gather your belongings. Your sister and I have a clandestine discourse to engage in," I whisper, my voice a siren's call, a sweet, destructive melody that promises to forever shatter the fragile, innocence of their youth. As the obedient child he is, Bobby turns and absconds. I let the blade slip from my grasp and fixate my gaze on Susie. My blood-stained hands cradle her visage, a ghastly, macabre waltz, as I orchestrate her final, fatal pirouette. The snapping of her neck is a crescendo of satisfaction, a symphony of savagery that resonates deep within my soul. "Bobby, mommy needs your help in the bathroom," my voice is a honeyed, siren's call, a treacherous, maternal melody that lures the unsuspecting, innocent lamb into the abyssal, churning waters of my twisted, love. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a good boy for momma," I whisper, my voice a laced, venomous honey, a sweet, siren's call that beckons him down the hall, my hands fluttering like a sylph, leading its prey to the slaughter. And then, in a flash of brutal ferocity, I strike, the porcelain toilet bowl shattering against his skull, the sound of crunching bone and splintering ceramic echoing through the chamber of horrors, a cacophonous, symphonic crescendo of violence. The hammering continues, a relentless, rhapsodic cadence, until the veneer of my child is lost, forever erased, his innocence, shattered, like the porcelain, into a thousand, irreparable pieces. The rage, a tempest raging like a demon unchained, finally subsides, leaving me to release the tangled locks of his once-luxuriant hair, now matted with the viscera of his own demise. The splat of his lifeless form, crashes to the floor, his face a grotesque, unrecognizable mockery of flesh. My hands hover, like a raptor circling its prey, above the lifeless form, as I gaze upon the wreckage of my handiwork, velleity of taking back what I did. In the throes of a desperate flight, my soles strike the cold stone with a rhythm akin to the beating heart of a terrified beast. The sanctuary of the world beyond the cursed threshold calls to me, a siren's song of salvation woven into the very air. Yet, it remains an elusive dream, forever out of reach. Behind me, the laughter of my children reverberates, a chilling symphony that encases my heart in ice. I pivot, my gaze ensnared by the nightmarish tableau unfolding before me. The visages of my offspring, once radiant, now distort and warp, akin to waxen effigies surrendered to the infernal flames of a lunatic's abyss. Their once vibrant forms begin to convulse and contort, akin to serpents, their flesh liquefying, stretching, and elongating, as if reality itself has been torn asunder. Limbs transmogrify into talon-like appendages, flexing, grasping, reaching out towards me, skeletal fingers, as cold as the grave. The euphoric symphony of laughter, once a melody of joy and mirth, now distorts into inhuman shrieks, a cacophony of terror that rends my sanity, reducing me to a quivering, helpless wretch. The sound, a maddening tempest, assaults my senses, a lacerating lullaby that shakes me to the very core of my being. I am ensnared, a captive in this ghastly realm of horrors, forever condemned to bear witness to the demonic metamorphosis, as they transform into eldritch abominations, creatures birthed from the very depths of my deepest, darkest nightmares.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Book: Shattered Sighs