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More about the hula hoop I suppose

I've just hula'd for the entirety of Creep by Radiohead I believe if I can hula through more songs from the 1990s I will turn back time Not in a Cher way Maybe in a faraway silhouette way And I'll be happy with that Because it's really only myself I want to see in the mirror Although mirror reflections tend to be ok As I tilt my face just right, with light being kind It's window, door or bus stop reflections The surprise ones that stop you mid laugh My favourite reflections are secondary images Those of me through other eyes They take me by surprise too It's like a shared magic "I would now like to award you with the prize for being precisely just right" "What me?! But what about this list of flaws?" They then tell me politely to shut it It can happen at any moment Just something breaks through the norm And there's a realisation that we are a someone that matters... And it's great, I mean see how I just described it above But I will keep hula'ing Because I exist more when I exist more And half of that is in the mind And none of it is when I eat a loaf of bread

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Date: 2/6/2024 10:34:00 AM
You've described the acceptance of being. This poem is excellent. Hints without criticism work the best for all of us. Me too.
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 2/6/2024 11:03:00 AM
Thanks Hilda, you are very kind to me x
Date: 2/6/2024 6:16:00 AM
An unusual song to hula hoop through Dilly, I mean its powerful and I love it, but I would’ve thought maybe (Praise you) by fat boy slim, would be a great one for rhythm and mind, yes some reflections are more generous than others, especially the secondary images you describe, nice work keep it up! Cheers David
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Di11y Da11y
Date: 2/6/2024 11:03:00 AM
Thanks David, I don't have a lot of time for Norman but I'll see if I can do two songs in a row (and also try not to forget that I bought a hula hoop entirely in a couple of days!)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things