It's my own face that I will see
when I look in the mirror
And when I put my glasses on
my vision is much clearer
If I walk out into the rain
I'll probably get wet
And if I wish to visit Rome
I'll have to board a jet
Life unfolds so obviously
seven days a week
There isn't much variety
of outcomes that I seek
For once I'd like to see a puppy
fly up through the air
to keep a rainbow in a jar
or bounce a ball that's square
To have a clock run in reverse
although it sounds far-flung
Each minute would precede the last
and we would all grow young
You surely think I've lost my mind
This logic is absurd
But why can't April fourth just once
be followed by the third?
The monotony of gravity
can really bring me down
That line was not for your amusement
I am not a clown
It's all so damn predictable
it makes me want to scream
I'm hoping that I'll just wake up
to find it's all a dream
But, until the sky is plaid
and east is left of west
I'll simply have to plod along
and give each day my best
Copyright © Michael Wise | Year Posted 2019
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