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by M. Griswold
Have you rolled the dice and played the game?
You know, that one that's in the hall of fame.
Where one travels the board at the roll of a die.
Not knowing of where your total count will lie.
Will you land on chance or buy property to gain?
To profit on the next players landing in rental pain.
Players travel the board until all is bought or sold.
Then trade back and forth for monopolies to hold.
New houses and hotels pop up, one then two or four.
As players build monopolies up even more and more.
Dollars paid and dollars played, it's all in the game.
To win or the loss is just in the roll of dice that came.
The winner is most happy counting all his rent money.
While the losers sit pouting in frown most unhappily.
There can only be one winner and the losers are the rest.
But that's good old fashioned Monopoly fun at its best.
Copyright © Mitchell Griswold | Year Posted 2023
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