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Moments That Matter

We measure our life by years, but years are made of moments dear. To make each moment meaningful, we must from history lessons glean. When we look back over the past, Few moments do an imprint cast. But they’re the ones that shape our lives, and in dark times our soul revives. The moment that your eyes beheld, The child you bore and closely held. E’en though the birthing made you yell, the story for a lifetime you’ll tell. The most precious moments we can spend, are those spent with a dear, old friend. Friendship with God, make it your goal, time spent with Him will thrill your soul. Take time, go slow, and memories sow. Then like a candle you would glow, and be a beacon in the night, to some lost soul in need of light. The moments of epiphany, that live on like a symphony, favor the ones who take the time, to meditate on themes, sublime. Eureka moments are so rare, they appear from, we know not where. But they are stark and leave their mark, and in the soul kindle a spark. A falling apple from a tree to gravity, it was the key. The mold observed on a petri dish, led to the drug that the bad 'bugs' squish. Amid the madness of the mind, A lucid moment, what a find! What joy emerges from the woe When sanity like lightning glows. Make moments that matter every day, set time to work, to play, and pray. These moments are like jewels bright, They’ll light your way when day turns night.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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