Her heart is a warm, golden light
Patience is her title
In a distressed nine months, she held onto me
Facing changes and discomfort in her body
At the edge of losing herself, she held on
Waiting patiently with love and care to see my face
She held me with joy, with tears in her eyes when she held me
Her breast was my comfort and my survival
Her breasts sagged, but she still fed me with love and joy
Ignoring the physical changes she had
My cries kept her awake
Her hands soothe me
Her voice brings me joy
Singing lullabies with her sweet voice with compassion to put me to sleep
Sleep was not hers when I was awake
She woke up several times to see if I was okay
My discomfort, her heartache
My smile, her joy
When I'm disheartened, she inspires me
Her tongue is full of encouragement
She holds me up with her tongue when I fall
Her words and prayers keep me going
What love I have got
This love, a great treasure I hold
A great gift God showered on me??
I love you, mama, ?
Copyright © BETTY APPIAH-SAAH | Year Posted 2024
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