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Mom, Why He

Mom, whatever you said for my marriage followed each word of yours without questions; Believed them truly, thought it'd have bearing in our life, will make a lasting impression. Trust me, we just met a few days only before ceremony, not giving chance to change our minds about wedding coldly; ‘twas GrandMa's guidance, no to romance. Recall there's dizzle on our wedding day; such rain really good omen, they say. Our marriage function took place on Wednesday, what was superstitiously the best day. Still remember not seen a monk on way for wedding function; you said it brings curse of barren life reliant on alms, nay didn't take chance prayed on move to avoid worse. As told, he's wearing blue coat, my shoes blue the color for faithfulness, loyalty; I wore veil down the aisle to disguise to keep away evil, to live joyfully. We smashed a vase at our wedding, put lot of muscle into it to make number of pieces what symbolizes the thought for number of happy years, I wonder. I followed each tradition, didn't ignore advice, what they said 'superstition'; Our marriage life expected to be more happy; halcyon days was our mission. Mom, why he left me within two years; you remember I cried on my wedding day; they said, it brings good luck for the bride too as she wouldn't shed tears later, no dismay. But, still tears flow, can't sleep at night, how do I meet my friends, relations; what I'd say 'twas my fault, failed to keep peace', it's untrue; yes, his immoral advice didn't obey. ~X~X~X~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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