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Misogyny and It's Opposite

The other day The same man Who told me that Men are the superior sex Also asked me if I could Be "less of a woman" So that for once he could have A "logical" conversation with me Being the reasonable woman that I am I responded with "Of course I can....t" Because I am a woman And I will not lessen that part of me I am not ashamed of my femaleness anymore If he was as much of a man he said he was This superior sex that he claimed to be I shouldn't have threatened him With my as he called them "ignorant arguments" He wouldn't have twisted his smirk Into a pained frown Instead of asking me to lessen myself He would have lifted himself above me Without any help from me...a woman Right? If men are the superior sex Why would he ask me to help him? Just to minutes ago I was nothing to him His smug demeanor And puffed up ego Would have deflated once he found out That he would need me for something That he couldn't do Because trust me He tried to tear me down He tried to break me but couldn't So instead he attacked my being female By trying to make me lessen myself So he could have the most ultimate power he could Forcing me an EQUAL to him To destroy myself And kill my own ego So he could collect another casualty To add to his broken self The truth is that he never thought He was the superior sex He was just too afraid to accept the fact That I was just like him He realized that I could do to him Exactly what he did to me But what he didn't know Is that I wouldn't dare Because I would never expect Man, woman or anyone in between To shrink themselves So I could be the bigger person I would instead Take a few steps back And try to understand their point of view And why it differed from mine I would not ridicule them for being Different from me I would welcome them and all that they were Into my arms And build them up If they ever felt Like they would break down Because I am not the superior sex Or superior anything I am just another human I am just like you

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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