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Mirror Mirror On the Wall

Mirror mirror on the wall I see my light brown eyes staring back at me Mirror mirror on the wall my petite size that never got any taller Mirror mirror on the wall my body that still look the same when I was 18 graduation picture to prove it. Mirror mirror on the wall. I see beer belly pop out of nowhere like a middle age women and I don't even drink beer. Mirror mirror on the wall I see the hair on my head that I am lazy to waist time on so I braid it to no longer waist time. Mirror mirror on the wall I see my caramel brown skin I make sure it doesn't get saggy of me being 40. Mirror mirror on the wall I see one gray hair starting to show it's way I say "what the hell'' and now I see a second close I colored it all black. Mirror mirror on the wall. I start to feel the age of 40 creeping up on me with the middle age tiredness now soon I need to start doing few exercise to wear them of."but not now I want to be lazy." Mirror mirror on the wall. I love who I am more now than I ever did in my whole life. Mirror mirror on the wall I finally got the chance to see me and think of me and being in love been mother to my son and don't care about no one but him.for that's what being a mother is to me. Mirror mirror on the wall. I see a good future for my matter what he chooses I'll be by his side for I will be every thing for him and bless him with all.for that's the only thing his father did right.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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