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Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall  Please tell me why I always fall When I try to do something that will build me up  Then suddenly lose motivation and zeal for it all  So many pursuits  were met halfway  I tried to learn skills but procrastination domes my way  Or suddenly I'm swamped with other responsibilities  And when I'm ready to go back, people have already gone far  When I look at my reflection what I see  Is a failing hypocrite starting back at me  People think I'm so smart and so put together  They don't know what burns underneath my sweater  I wish I could be easier on myself  And take things one step at a time  But with the way things are going  I can only feel peace with God by my side

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/12/2023 6:51:00 PM
This is well written. I am sure there are many who feel the same. Successful people don't quit:)
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