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Minnows Nip At Bare Toes

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Summer is tethered to the scent of a rose, and bubbling brooks, where minnows nip at bare toes. Spring's spurring Summer on, and indeed, it shows; freeing the rivers and lakes that Winter froze, and greening the dried grasses of the meadows. Summer's sizzling hot sun shines brightly all day; warming swimming pools where children splash and play. And it burns exposed skin with its tanning ray; yet folks flock to sandy beaches, come what may. Children launch paper kites on a rising breeze; and eat unripened apples picked from wild trees, while playing outdoor games and skinning their knees. I believe Summer is the best time of year; and dread the thought that Winter will reappear. I'll choose summer over Winter any day! I hate the cold, frozen feet, and runny nose; as well as shoveling snow from the driveway, I'd rather swelter in Summer's heat than freeze. Winter shifts my metabolism to low gear; I wish that Summer would never go away.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 10/21/2018 8:50:00 PM
Back with congrats on your top win, Emile.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 10/22/2018 8:43:00 AM
Thank you Line, I appreciate your support my friend, Emile.
Date: 10/20/2018 3:37:00 PM
A brilliant example of Greg's challenging form Emile! Congratulations on your first placement in Brian's contest! : )
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Emile Pinet
Date: 10/20/2018 5:50:00 PM
Thanks so much Connie, I appreciate your comments my friend, Emile.
Date: 10/6/2018 9:25:00 PM
I feel the same, Emile. Well done.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 10/7/2018 9:41:00 AM
Thank you Line, I appreciate your comments my friend, Emile.

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