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Mind of the Heart Premiere Contest Winner

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Poetry/Free Verse/Mind of the Heart
Copyright Protected, ID, 02-1708-779-22
All Rights Reserved, 2025, Constance La France
Copying any part of this work is prohibited without permission

Written, February 22, 2025
For the International Contest, Mind of the Heart
sponsor, Unseeking Seeker, Judged 02/28/2025



“feeling not thinking, soul with love linking ~ we attained God consciousness unblinking” Quote by _Unseeking Seeker mind of the heart has dimension scope, compass and expanse it contains all our feeling, our thoughts emotions, responses, temperament, and consciousness it is an endless stream of ideas and stories creating an abyss for the heart to cross our mind separates us from them even creating imaginary problems along the way and through spiritual meditation I have attained the awareness to handle the heart-mind dimension most of the time but, somedays I feel empty of thoughts unable to generate ideas forgetful, in a brain fog and have difficulty gathering my thoughts I see myself from the outside looking in floating with no emotions living in a dreamworld disconnected from reality feeling without thinking once in awhile I make a soul connection so deep and eternal it is a bond palpable mysterious, beyond mind and beyond time an infinite connection of respect of soulmate forever that will remain untouched by years in the form of love for a lover or love for a friend and using my vision of God with meditation, prayer, chanting I connect with God consciousness and enlightenment is my reward and I peel away the layers of false ego to find without thinking my perfect soul connections

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 3/2/2025 3:53:00 AM
Back to your lovely and meaningful poem with Hearty Congratulations on your trophy win, dear Constance.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 3/2/2025 4:34:00 PM
Valsa, thank you for thecompliment, comment, and congratulations, blessings ~
Date: 2/28/2025 8:55:00 PM
pulsating soul, amazing write dear poet. congratulations on your top win. Cheers!!!
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 3/1/2025 8:05:00 AM
Thriveni, thank you for the compliment and congratulations, blessings ~
Date: 2/25/2025 11:12:00 PM
This poem is a deep probing into our mind and thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts have no connection. Sometimes our mind gets so foggy. But through meditation and prayer, one can have blessed moments when we get lifted to God's consciousness. A beautiful poem dear Constance. All the Best.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 3/1/2025 8:06:00 AM
Valsa, thank you for the compliment, and lovely comment, and encouragement, blessings ~
Date: 2/22/2025 10:28:00 PM
This poem captures the many dimensions of the mind, and the overlap of mind and soul. The spirituality is a gentle affirmation. Great talent.
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 2/23/2025 9:19:00 AM
Hilda, thank you so much for the comment and compliment, blessings ~
Date: 2/22/2025 4:31:00 PM
Beautiful deep and expressive words conveying your inner wisdom dear Constance. The journey of the heart and soul is one to be discovered time and time again in numerous forms. When we are able to go inward and catch glimpses of this connection it is magical indeed. I love your awareness and openess while writing this . Big hugs, Susan :)
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La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 2/23/2025 9:19:00 AM
Susan, thank you for the compliment and lovely comment, hugs and blessings ~

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry