Mind of a Serial Killer Vii
Upon my bed so silky and fine
I lay my resting Sweet Devine
A slip knot here to your hands and feet I twine
so you don't try to escape and be unkind
Gently I remove your dress of baby blue
for you a gown so white and new
my Sweet Devine don't misconstrue
Candles flicker upon your skin
as your eyes open and you try to cringe
your face giving an eerie derange
Soft music I play for you
as I wash your body so smooth and fine
it's almost a shame to call it a crime
My Sweet Devine did you whisper in my ear
a sudden word so hard to hear
did you say 'You will be mine?'
My Sweet Devine for when the sun sets tonight
I will be here to please and ease your pain
so I bid you to sleep tight until your windows show twilight.
Do You Feel Me? Do You Want More?
T Reams Part 7
Copyright © Tammy Reams | Year Posted 2015
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