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acceptance of failure is a talent acquired over time the young man i was could never comprehend the freedom failure bestows the feeling of humanity in every tear shed over an impossible path i have discovered for the first time that i am as small as a gnat on the back of a gnat under the microscope of a gnat which was created by a gnat and will be born again as a butter- fly this knowledge shows the patience that experience manifests within the young adult psyche the older me will read this wise inscription and giggle at the innocence of its shallow meditation the gray me will rewrite the moral and manipulate the meaning to reflect the chaos that each beat of the young newly-born butterfly’s wings has imparted on the future that has now transformed the reader into a luna moth and carried by the wind just before a ravenous storm the moth i will be will finally be stripped bare to expose the frailness of the man who dwelled within and as each tear falls from the heavens all that i once knew and all that I have learned will dissolve to be consumed by a gnat.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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