Sad place when Lucifer sits behind a desk allowing severe repeat violent offenders to give false statements falsified documents in order to frame innocent persons from behind bars after over 20 convictions queen pin drug manufacturer gangster disciples gang leader severe repeat violent offender looking for a get out of jail free card in return for false statements to allow falsified documents planting evidence with slander rumors lies doing anything to be released early from prison over and over again a revolving door while non violent innocent victims receive the maximum punishment from a lie a rumor false statements because she’s jealous she uses political leaders to play her vicious game get out of jail free card convicting hundreds of innocent person while she walks through the glass doors every time leaving victims beating and bleeding blood was everywhere she quickly creates another lie preying on innocent persons she’s jealous of clearly she’s not alone her dating entanglement with Mr excessive force corrupt officer transferred to New York City after killing a 15 year old boy his rage for young African American youths and poor indigent persons low income mothers and their disabled children supplying man die with drugs from police lock up in return for slanders lies false statements false reports false cases false arrests false convictions falsifying documents for the sole purpose of harassing terrorizing the community with threats of being framed falsely accused so that man die can get another early release after beating stabbing disabled persons together he and messy man die controlling who is arrested with lies falsehood very sad this desperate severe repeat violent offenders creating madness hell on earth to allow violent offenders back on the streets with deadly weapons brutally beating disabled persons indeed satan controls this political concentration camp ran by violent offenders who offers false statements during election organized slavery crime false accused citizens because of a lie created behind prison walls a gathering of severe violent offenders offered freedom in return to lie give false statements crime rate soars stabbing shootings as these severe violent offenders are allowed to roam the community bragging boasting to other inmates how to create false statements to get
early release sad evil brutality abuse of power deformation of character excessive force slander organized crime and corruption resulting in Man die on the streets immoral inhumane horror complete horror allowing severe repeat violent offenders with every criminal intent to harass harm slander innocent people non violent persons to be punished with false truths rumors lies slander envy twisted hell on earth allowing complete terrorists to control City officials government offices early released creating harm which is why I worked with the gang task force reaching out to special agent Mike Johnson corporate office Sinha Shohini Milwaukee federal bureau of investigation only because i wore wires pregnant with special agent Leroy Heimbach Milwaukee Supervisor this place was infested prosecutors resigns planting evidence falsifying documents oddly fixated on helping my vicious domestic abusive husband cover his severe abuse to me and our children as he too entangled with messy man die they actually lived together one big political entanglement of abuse of power organized crime and corruption he was praised for beating his
family by corruption I’ve never felt so overwhelmingly helpless
broken battered brain injured disabled indigent living on a
disability income mine and my sons terrified by an abusive man
who has ties to corrupt political power knowing at any given
moment I could have been like one of officer Petersons
wives why I am still completely traumatized and very sad
to know that corruption just falsifies human dignity after
my traumatic brain injury my husband and this corrupt
operation began embezzling the funds laundering the
corrupt officers drug operation my life was in grave
danger I never ever forget that they began an identity
fraud on my life i didn’t care I didn’t stay around to
fight such a vicious plot my death was plotted I
continued to flee from my abusive husband
every time corruption allows him to be entangled
with my life because he has affairs with persons
of power slandering his own family to make him
into a great guy that punches disabled children
brain injured children in the head a violent
offender abusive man who punches his brain injury
wife in the head breaks her arm Christmas Eve our son
called the police he began attacking the entire family
because I told him that he better not bring drugs
in my home if he did I would have the police remove
it he grew bitter calling me a snitch because I wore
wires pregnant for the Fbi buying weapons and drugs
from corruption now my own husband was selling
drugs for corrupt officers that same operation the
Fbi had been investigating for years he began to
pull my hair pushing me I can’t even breathe
I can’t go back there this man hit me in the
back with brick six months after my traumatic
brain injury he was my Oj Simpson I was
Nicole Brown bruised frightened alone hiding
i was ashamed I still receive threats from his
old addresses places I never lived in hiding
away from him trying to interfere with my
health along with his accomplice my
stalker my identity thief Jamaican drug
dealer obsessed with my American poetry
terrorizing me she creates false information
false accusations slandering me to allow this
vicious cycle to continue what an awful
person abuse of power corruption
organized crime literally controlled domestic
abuse harming my children in my home
this place is truly heaven on earth for
repeat severe violent offenders I’m so
blessed I fled his control abuse and abuse
power I always get nervous nauseous
remembering healing surviving
God bless America
Man dies Messy Laundry
Copyright © Yolanda Nicholsen | Year Posted 2024
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