Dear Father
As I slip my heart softly into your broken body I take hold of my soul. Pressing it securely against the presence of your cedar cross. Putting all my faith in your Sacred pierced hands I stand in awe of you and all you sacrificed for me.
All I ask of you is that you place your Holy Will in me. That through you and in you, I may be released from all afflictions both mental and physical. Honoring you in me I can finally settle into that long awaited peace. Journeying with you, to that long awaited place we often elude to as heaven.
Dear Daughter
You have lit the path of communion in me and clothed me with your prayers of love and Union- Grace. It is here that I offer you the linen cloth of my great love. Live abundantly in me as I live abundantly in you.
In the presence of my Spirit you have journeyed forth. Bearing on forgiveness and compassion, you have harvested my Blessed Crops and yielded good wheat. I love you daughter for you are my heart and I am yours. Forever and until the end of time.
Your Mystic Rose
Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2024
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