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Message of Gratification

Nippy crisp morning’s walk Condensed clouds gathering for a dance Sounds of cheerful birds whistling their customary songs Underneath a hoody, shivering body feels cold wind’s upshot Fallen leaves have ornamented the path A huge Maple tree has shown a big heart Loosening its grip, it has given permissions to its leaves to drop Turning them into spectacular reds, oranges, yellows and browns of all sorts Leaves come down twirling with poise Steered by airstream showing their magnificent styles Feeling their soft touch Mother Earth smiles Cuddles them gently while whispering sweet lullabies Feeling her warmth, with gratification they start crumpling up After working hard in spring and summer they are very tired Are eager to provide their beloved tree their last nutrients By blending into the earth the remains of their characters As they decompose, their nutrients filter into soil Help enrich future generations of plant and animal life A significant message they instill without pride To let go of things that hold us back in our daily lives

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/12/2019 9:27:00 AM
Love the following lines Smita, 'Are eager to provide their beloved tree their last nutrients, how selfless and loving' ..........As they decompose, their nutrients filter into the soil'. I had to fav this poem as I think in fact I am sure that is is the most wonderful description that I have ever read about Autumn. Kudos my friend. Hugs, Jennifer.
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Smita Kulkarni
Date: 10/12/2019 1:50:00 PM
Thank you Jennifer! Thanks for your sweet comments. I always think of autumn leaves as beautiful expressions of life and death. They have so much to tell us just by their simple actions!!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things