Mera and Reva On a Fall Morning
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This is another poem on the two sweet dogs; Mera and Reva :)
When they sensed that it was time for a walk
Mera showed her happiness with some cheerful barks
Her energy indicated gratitude in anticipation of fulfillment of such a simple task
Although very eager, Reva was standing silent showing her big sisterly protocols
Start of the walk was exciting as usual
Both were prepared with their leashes and collars
Tails were wagging with joy and enthusiasm
Muzzles were ready to snuffle and relish outdoors
Roads were looking vibrant with autumn colors
Fallen leaves had spread carpet of jingles
Overjoyed Mera couldn’t get enough
Kept sniffing shrubberies in every corner
Reva kept herself busy marking her terrain
Drawing satisfaction from leaving traces in the domain
Mera’s creativeness was brought out by wet grassy scent
To justify her elation she had to take quite a few circular steps
The duo walked forward to another neighborhood
Smelling more sidewalks and bushes in passionate moods
A pale green round thing was spotted by Reva’s eyes
Her happiness increased when she got hold of that device
The walk concluded with delightful admiration
Both returned home with minds full of appreciation
Copyright © Smita Kulkarni | Year Posted 2019
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