Melodic Drizzle Of Memory
I wander across the desiccated dunes you made
in the valley of my mind, contoured by desire.
I feel deserted like the desolate sands of dune.
As you drift away unconcerned past me
beneath the mystique shroud of the stardust sheen,
my possessed passion sails to the moonlit bay of bliss
for you to emerge out of my dream like an angel.
Your essence stays within me as an indelible image.
Dainty spring descends, drizzling in diaphanous air
the ecstasy tune with the melody of your memory.
1. Wish Somebody Would’ve Told Me
2. Love For You
3. Take Me To The Sunburst Dawn
4. Heartbroken
5. Love Laced By Lunar Lure Ephemera
6. Your Heart Is Mine
7. Bewitching Night
8. If Only I Could
9. Ecstasy Of Embrace
10. Melody Of Memory
Copyright © Subimal Sinha-Roy | Year Posted 2024
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