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Meeting God On the Mountain

a Pastor isn't only defined by his spiritual resolve he's also shaped by his flock and how they've spiritually evolved for a church to be prosperous, powerful and prophetic in life they need to be faithful, persistent and courageous in Christ for us to be like Jesus to be excellent in God's sight we need to eradicate what's in us that diminishes His light to present ourselves as the best witnesses that we can to continuously operate by His righteous plans to ever be before God seeking His divine intentions to living our lives according to His Great Commission to remove all the chaos, the hurt and the pain to replace it with clarity, happiness and peace in His name to eliminate the killing, the loathing and the hell to encourage kindness, love and holiness in us to now dwell to transfer that jeer into jubilation to substitue that sin with Godly salvation no longer arrogant but one who adores to kick out the gossip and let the gospel in the door to take out the cussing and take up the cross no longer to worry but to worship our Heavenly Boss to extinguish that judgemental behavior and embrace Jesus as your personal Savior in order to meet God on the mountains in life you face you can't be acting on fear you need to be operating on faith to look for the silver linings and not anticipate the storms no longer to act like a hostage too scared to move on Elijah was a man of God who possessed tremendous belief until a situation arose that made him run away in grief no longer trusting in God to have his back now hiding in a cave from Jezebel's coming attack he didn't see the grace of God in the midst of the storm as he could have been killed at first instead of just being warned an angel then came to him in the wilderness with provisions some food and drink to strenghten him for his coming mission whenever you're down and out God will find a way to lift you up and replenish you in anyway God then said to him, "what are you doing here?" hiding in this dark cave in utter despair we need to come out of the caves in life where we tend to dwell caves of addictions, abusiveness, dead-end jobs and total hell to stop hiding from life in those dark caves to remember the faith and love that to us God gave meeting God on the mountain where He wants us to be meeting God on the mountains now claiming the victory I'm so glad I serve a God who will look high and look low to find me and take me where I need to go no longer hiding in those dark caves of life now on the mountain top with my Savior the Lord Christ

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 8/11/2009 10:56:00 AM
Love is the perfectness in God, the mountain, of the spiritual church, and that,as you point out in your write, cannot be lower to the valley, also that you mention. God has already lower himself, in Christ, to our level in the valley, only to lead us up into his mountain of love. Sincerely Moses /Good write, my friend, God's love.
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Date: 6/19/2009 10:29:00 AM
Amen my friend well said, in order to walk o water we have to get out of our boats, we have to trust him and believe, we can move mountains if we believe it is true, God bless you from diane
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