Meeting Expectations
What are your meeting expectations? She said
In a businesslike tone that to me suggested
She’d just learned the two-word term from a seminar
For post-grads in a conference centre downtown, not far.
What do you want to see coming out of the meeting?
You want maybe less around-the-bush beating?
Clear focus on important points? More hands-on experience, my lad?
I wanted none of those business items. What I wanted she had.
She - was who I wanted to see...... coming out of the meeting.
She was not too tall, not too slim, well-worth greeting,
Not too old, not too young, not too shy or fresh.
It’s what I had always wanted, to mesh and thresh with her flesh.
I said my meeting expectations have little to do with business, its true
Although I’d definitely like to do the business with you.
What I want to see coming out of the meeting is us birds-of-a-feather:
Maybe a drink or some dinner, but then I want us to flock together.
Yes I like having a clear focus on one or two of your important points,
And I badly want more hands-on experience with you, but not in this joint.
Instead of meeting here we’ll be meat-ing in a café Chinese or Indian
Instead of expectation, for dinner we will expect Asian.
Written for Paula Swanson's competition MEETING EXPECTATIONS
Copyright © Sidney Beck | Year Posted 2011
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