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Meet the Sociopath

Meet the void called she A walking lie for 30 years No one knows who she is But she walks gracefully dressed in false pretense She can easily turn everything she touched to dust She struts and leaves the dance floor in ruins Her eyes, knows no truth Her words, a melancholy of lies Her childhood was a fantasy of fitting in and acceptance She does what everybody's doing She says what everyone wants to hear She pleases everyone but herself Now she walks empty She finally saw her life's work the nothingness but pain, more lies and faux Who she created was a sociopath She drinks her already wasted life away Alcohol, cigarettes were the truthful friends She laughs hard around people She cries harder inside. Sobriety was real and its not her forte Desperation was her perfume and she smelled great in it She wears bad choices like in the red carpet Then she carries her purse around filled with nothing but regrets Then she looked around and saw the prison she was still in She thought her lies made her escape The lies built nothing but more barricades Will she ever get out? But she has revealed the monster in her She now sees the light There is a chance for redemption An opportunity for change She will continue to stay in the prison but not live in it Every new day dedicates to breaking out Breaking out of the lies and setting herself free. So she start by saying... The sociopath called She is Me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 1/29/2020 10:31:00 AM
I enjoyed reading this and the honesty of it was very refreshing.
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