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Medley “Moon light and lovers” yes I remember it well, now I´m grateful for moonlight when going to the outdoor loo where rats assemble. Yesterday, when love was easy, yet she left I blamed my after shave…me the lover had my pick but the one that mattered left. Everybody love somebody sometimes, I loved everybody at the same time and found to my utter surprise abandoned by everyone. Smoke got in her eyes I was only trying to be sophisticated, I left to hide away, but a man needs his mate…but I had left it too late. Love and glory, why didn´t I see that, thought glory had to do with war. When she married a hero, I saw it all and shot them both. Hang down you head Tom cowboy hang down your and cry they are coming for you tomorrow and take your life.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 8/15/2012 9:17:00 AM
Dear Jan, the stand-up comic, Nice start to the day. love, Kathy
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Hansen Avatar
Jan Oskar Hansen
Date: 8/15/2012 10:23:00 AM
I have my moments

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry