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Mean Halloween

Concerned, I said "yes." I hung up the phone. This Halloween night I would be alone. I just received word, at home I must stay. A scary monster, was headed my way. It wanted the kids. This, my greatest fear. I warned the children, as evil grew near. They had such courage, as they hugged me tight. One had to remind me, "Turn on the porch light !" I flipped on the switch as I looked outside. The creature was coming, there was no time to hide. The house began to shake, as it approached the door. I wasn't ready for what was in store. The strangest thing my eyes ever saw, was dressed like a clown my ex mother-in-law ! "Let's go trick-or-treating !" she said with a smile. "Start passing out candy we'll be back in awhile."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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