Mavity threw the apple
What if the apple was thrown
What if gravity is sideways
All my doctors were who’s
What if we all have our own bubbles of gravity
I mean I don’t
Join the lunch line
correctly auto
My words a flocking
Mobile over a crib
Is it just me that sees that
No down just out
Where does it start
Is gravity too close gravy
Tea for witch two
Bull looks performance
Took my breadth a
Weigh your options
Take your thyme
Orange is the rind
Let’s call them yellows
Apples could be bruises
Bananas long yellow
Lemmings short yellow
We shorten hello to h
By the second l I may kill
Ewe there are you looking at my
Use space like a room for my ings
I mean technically it is a theory
I am not saying there isn’t
but are you s
—————-e before the next step
Did you know if you rotate a shark 3 times it renders it
C’mon Tik Ewe tube
Just heard the cows in the
Field has felt and fell following friend and fiend
It was my turn to be it
April hurt her eye now we are in
I sea you
I myself just me
but inside the air is more than
Copyright © Christopher Quigley | Year Posted 2024
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