Masai Boyfriend
Masai Boyfriend
I’m in love with a Masai Boy
Tall sable-skinned giant.
In hand, a stick his joy
Smile; true lips of a saint!
Wealth: bull, cow and calf
Safe from creatures feline
Identity, not Masai by half
But, nomad of a royal line.
Sceptre; his wooden sticks
Royal Cloth, the red robes...
Savouring gore with licks
Logs stuck in his earlobes.
“Stands with imposing height
“Scanning the Masai Mara
“On a leg of striking might!”
So writes his lover Clara.
“High Jumper of renown,”
Again, she sent the tweets,
“Sound sleep have I known
“He jumps inside sheets!”
**With Love & Respect for the exemplary fortitude of Kenyan Cultures, whose “imposing height” (evocative of the Masai) is a pride of Human sanctity.
**The Poem is a reflection of, sometimes, a cross-culture and cross-racial marriages that, despite diversity in norms, may bestow a fantastic experience and everlasting bliss.
**With happy memories of my Friend, Gerald Kithinji, a Patriotic Poet of Kenya (his beautiful Homeland.)
02nd Nov’ 2013
Copyright © Joseph Matose | Year Posted 2013
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