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Mario Vs Luigi

My name is Mario and I have an ingrate for a brother, his name is Luigi. Even though our games are in my name, he's always had it better than me. He needs to be taught a lesson and it will be left up to me to teach. The sorry bastard takes everything, he even married Princess Peach. He always got all of the attention from our father and mother. Now he wants our games to be called the Super Luigi Brothers. He went over my head and asked Nintendo to change the title. I'm so pissed off at him that I'm starting to feel homicidal. I sued Hollywood Pictures in 1993 because they did something that really made me mad. When they filmed the Super Mario Bros. Movie, they made me old enough to be Luigi's Dad. I deserve seniority because I've been in more Nintendo games than Luigi. I was in Donkey Kong and years later I was in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out as the referee. Luigi had better learn that I will not take his sass. If he doesn't shape up, I'm going to kick his Italian ass! (This poem was inspired by the Super Mario Bros. Games.)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 9/15/2014 7:10:00 AM
Luigi is fighting a losing battle in my view. Mario is just supreme. I enjoyed this, it's different.
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