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Man With the Ticket

Going 80 In a 50 zone Cruising along Singing my song I like this beat Lets crank it loud Driving this road Losing the load I've got the wheel Mic in my hand The spot light is mine Lead in the band Whats that flashing? Its the man The man with the ticket Saw him last week In the 30 zone When I took a stop With a skip and a hop No one was coming And the music was good Too late to down gear Lights in the mirror I've got the wheel Mic in my hand Spot light is mine The head of the band But theres a flashing An uniformed man Man with a ticket Pulled to the side A quieter tone Swelling the blues Hey, nothing to lose He gives a grin Says to slow down A warning for you I like the song too You take the wheel I've played the hand Spot light all yours The head of the band Keep an eye on the rear For the man in the mirror Man with the ticket

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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