Man For the People's
For the people of S. Africa, Nelson Mandela You're hold in high degree.
Even 27 yrs. of your incarceration (prison) couldn't damper your
spirit for one day you were set free {Nelson Mandela} the leadership
you broughtforth was not a word can vividualy describe the lost of
lives and the hatred of the white oppressor's that made life as misir-
able as they sought it to be.
For the people you said that you will die, for the people you became the
President and the formation of the ANC {Africa Nat'll Conference} becomes
the foundation for peace and aparthied and joy is restore, the whole world
takes notice and the people's salutes you. "Africa is a Great Nation."
Your love for prosperity is often overshadow by the plight of a strugge-
ling society of which you fought to assemble onto a frontier of promising
hope. "I will alway's strife to accomblished the best of my ability to forgive
and forget," for I've learn just by watching you, and you are a big Inspira
tion for God has annoittend you with a fighting spirit, that spirit is felt through-
out Sowetto.
"Man of the People's, Pres. Mandela may your memory be on hearts of the
whole-wide-world," "for the people may cry tears but the nation as a whole
will remember you with shouts and cheer's."
Copyright © John Streeter | Year Posted 2013
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