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Mama Bear Who Flies Into a Rage For Almost No Reason

Today's entertainment for the cave is easy. We watch an easily manipulated grizzly fly into mama bear mode She races toward the sea, plunging in, looking for her cub He is not was a lie; she looks furious! She comes out sputtering, eats a few campers. Spits out their stomachs. They always eat the wrong foods! She shrieks. Her mate is there now, he is holding back, he looks fearful. He helps her look, but their son is nowhere in sight. An evil crow sends them on a goose chase to the west. The geese fly up in front of them, hitting their butts on rooftops. It is insane how crazed Mama Bear appears now. When should we tell her? Black Bear asks the other mama bears. Let her chase through the meadow and stomp the flowers first. Grizzly bear son appears at that second, ruining the women's fun. It is over, until tomorrow when they plan to rile her up again. No one riles faster than this grizzly bear mama Or has made fewer friends; the other women despise her. She overreacts to everything! They have been the recipients of her wrath, so they love watching her fly into a rage over nothing. Unfortunately, it is their weekly entertainment.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/22/2021 11:00:00 AM
A marvelous metaphor, Caren. I think I've known grizzly bear mamas, too. Sometimes they are their cubs biggest problems.
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 10/22/2021 11:20:00 AM
They are OFTEN their cubs biggest problems, demonstrating all the wrong things to do!

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