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Malapropisms and Mondegreens

One light, I was out panting the clown red when I met a Sadie from Francis who I found to be quiet subtractive. It was apparel she thought I was distracted two because she ted, “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?” To witch I supplied "You can let your coucher I due.” Sew, we dove to a rotel and wented a womb and that’s where it all rent wong. I dimply could NOT maintain my direction! I even deported to taking two extra-length Niagras butt no lice! My ergo was scattered to say the piece, although she was quiet patent with me at second, basking, “Comment allez-vous, mon ami?” I dancered, "Not very bien, mon cherry, déjà vu?" Swell cokes, let me sell ya, she was so beset and vivid it took a few momentums for her to apply. FINALITY she basked (In broken England) “Deja who? Who is Déjà and what the PLUCK has Vu got to do with the price of a flea on a panda in Angina?” To take a short story long, she got it up, put her clothes back off and resorted, “Au revoir, tu salopard!” "Salopardon madamit? Did you dust ball me a dastard?" She had the VERVE to say: ”If the necker shrinks, then bare it, and your pepper sure did slink and you better relieve THAT, you old pool!” Whelp, I won’t go into any moor of the sorted retails here. Needles to hay, I will sever foreskin that incidental and will always dismember that humilitating tight I depose one gives and sperms… Translations: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? – Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Comment allez-vous, mon ami? – How are you doing my friend? Tres bein, et vous? - Very good, and you? Mon cher - My dear Au revior, tu salopard – Goodbye, you bastard

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 2/15/2014 8:55:00 PM
Bone dew! Trey sheik! Love it! Kill damage! Wish I had read it sooner. Chers, Roi
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Date: 2/14/2014 5:40:00 AM
oi, oi, what a poem. Tim, thanks for the early greet. I wrote my Houston poem for my hubby. all of a sudden he's claiming he loves me. After giving me 2 years of cold shoulder. I have no eyes for others, unless you're the milk man. lmfao. Take care & enjoy Valentine's Day with family and friends. :) ~SKAT"
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Tim Ryerson
Date: 2/14/2014 6:35:00 AM
I AM the milkman, the one and only...Delivery gauranteed at your front step or your money back (You DO take checks don't you?)
Date: 12/30/2013 2:26:00 PM
OMG that was fantastic, I couldn't do I really couldn't! Just wonderful should have been a number one hands down! Where are you? How are the holidays coming? Happy New Year! Light & Love
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Date: 12/29/2013 4:41:00 AM
Enjoyed your poem and congratulations on the fine win,Tim
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Date: 12/28/2013 9:23:00 PM
Tim, I enjoyed the poem, but did not smile much by the end... But it was an awesome poem... :) , CONGRATULATIONS, thank you for supporting my SMILE contest. :) Wishing you a Warm And Heartfelt New Year. Take care.... LINDA
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Date: 11/11/2013 4:30:00 AM
Congratulations on the win, Tim
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Date: 11/10/2013 9:29:00 PM
Tim... Congratulations, thanks for the support..... ~SKAT~ LOVE
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Date: 7/27/2013 2:53:00 PM
LOL, I'm still laughing as I write - congrats on all your wins, Tim : )
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Date: 7/27/2013 5:45:00 AM
Hehehe..Merci mon ami..Tres jolie..C est la vie : )..Tu vas bien aujourd hui?Hope you re fine today..Lovely poem...Tim
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Date: 7/26/2013 2:03:00 PM
Lmao.....very funny, almost sounds like a different language that hasnt been discoveredyet:) awesome.ty cherie..
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Date: 7/26/2013 9:10:00 AM
hahahaha. Geez, I can never finish a poem of yours in one go. Start-crack up-stop-start-crack up-stop. At least I've learnt not to have coffee while I'm reading you. lol. I have to wonder what's going on in your head. WELL DONE, FAVE POET MINE. Licia :-)
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Date: 7/26/2013 9:08:00 AM
HAAAAAA! I'm hearing the dialects in my head and it's cracking me up! This was a damn joy to read!
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Date: 7/26/2013 9:04:00 AM
Ha ha ha, this is cantastc, owed you cum up wit dis won?
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