Malala Yousafzai
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Let me tell you a story
of a brave Pakistani female activist,
Malala Yousafzai.
She stands defiant and unabashed,
with a pragmatist approach to women's rights.
Wrapped in self-confidence;
truth bears witness to her strength.
A woman who needs no man to think for her,
she approaches life
with her head held high and eyes wide open.
And yet, she often wanders
through a minefield of traditions
rigged to explode without warning.
She defines who she is,
not by how others perceive her;
but by how she perceives herself.
Her heart confronts the harsh light of reality
and directs her soul to seek more from life.
Although her dreams aren't ignored,
they're often dimmed to see past their hopeful sheen.
Fear is a cunning emotion,
using deceit as a means to an end.
Demeaning words get strung together
like a barbwire necklace;
and their intent leaves little doubt.
And yet, She stands defiant; for feelings of equality
are firmly anchored in her heart,
and it will take more than a bullet to dislodge them.
Copyright © Emile Pinet | Year Posted 2022
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