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Make No Bones About It

Bony bona fide bones bare bones Skeleton key turning a bone of contention Sticks and stones break bones words do hurt close to the bone Not so funny hitting funny bone hard words break no bones Depends who is speaking old school don’t be an idle bonehead Be like dog with a bone gnawing it till tomorrow His word a fire in my bone true to the bone envy is rottenness To the bone a broken spirit driest the bone don’t be chilled to the bone Pleasant words health to the bone so bones may rejoice Working fingers to the bone be not wise in thine Own sight fear the Lord depart from evil a bone to pick Dead man’s chest be not filled with dead men’s bones Prophecy to bones dem dem bones come together again Look to the cross not to skull and bones crossed bones Playing bones Yo ho ho Rome’s smoked filled bottle They grind bones to make their bread who Jesus has freed Don’t point that bonier finger but back in the closet Not a bone was broken as he died for our sins Or you may be a bag of bones chilled to the bone Being bone dry baring your own sin upon your bones He is bone of my bone empty tomb make no bones about it

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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